Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Prescott

Over 25+ Years of Making a Difference

Who Are We?

We are a not for profit public charity created solely for educational, charitable, and religious purposes governed by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees


Why We Give

For over 5,000 years, Jewish teaching have emphasized the importance of Tzedakah (Hebrew for charity).  Unlike voluntary giving, Tzedakah is considered an ethical and moral obligation to give regardless of one’s financial resources


To Whom We Give

The simple answer: You, the community.  We provide funding to agencies and organizations that meet the basic needs of the less fortunate, as well as projects and initiatives that benefit the community, the state and in some cases our nation


Heading into my mid-50s I am thinking of retirement.  My husband and I have invested wisely, conservatively and I think appropriately.  Following advice from our broker, we put aside money early on in hopes of creating a foundation and revisited our portfolio throughout to make sure we would reach our financial goals.  At the Jewish Community Foundation, we believe the same thought and care should be placed upon one of our most important assets – our children and their knowledge. 


Making a Difference Within Our Community



Supporting local non-profits

Health Care

Health Care

Investing in the future of healthcare



Supporting and enriching charities


Giving together for a world of good


Holocaust Remembrance

Holocaust Remembrance

We will never forget

Missions to Israel

Missions to Israel

Building bridges

What You Do Matters

What You Do Matters

Lessons from the Holocaust