Heading into my mid-50s I am thinking of retirement. My husband and I have invested wisely, conservatively and I think appropriately. Following advice from our broker, we put aside money early on in hopes of creating a foundation and revisited our portfolio throughout to make sure we would reach our financial goals. At the Jewish Community Foundation, we believe the same thought and care should be placed upon one of our most important assets – our children and their knowledge. Education provides the foundation needed to allow for exponential return and its benefits are resounding. It provides for stability, security, equality, independence not to mention makes us a stronger collective. A strong education can change the trajectory of an individual’s journey and can create a ‘domino effect’ by influencing their community and its members. Several of our grant recipients reflect this belief. Discovery Garden’s Inclusive Playground will allow for ALL children to play together despite disabilities. Bradshaw Mountain High School’s Media Lab will enable students to gain knowledge and certifications within the field of media production and Humboldt Education Foundation’s Children’s Orchestra will provide the encouragement for a love and appreciation of music. Like my investment portfolio, these grants do not arise out of thin air. It is through our gracious donors and our conscientious efforts that their funds are invested with their legacy goals in mind and have allowed for the JCF’s existence and growth for over 20 years.